I was originally planning to create a blog using Create React App. It was extremely easy to set up create-react-app
, but “the devil is in the details”. So I decided to use Hexo framework instead, as did not want to spend much time googling stuff and figuring out the details.
Before I started, I did not have any experience with hexo
, and had no idea about node
and nvm
. So below an instruction for beginners :)
Install Git
Install Git if you don’t have it yet (installation instructions).
Install nvm (Node Version Manager)
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.8/install.sh | bash
If you get nvm: command not found
after running the install script, try solutions described here. In my case I solved the problem with nvm
by adding this line of code into ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bashrc
Install Node.js
Hexo framework is powered by node.js
, that is why you need to have node
installed before proceeding with Hexo installation.
nvm install node
Install Hexo
npm install -g hexo-cli
Create blog
Suppose you want to create your blog in a local folder my-blog
. Run one by one the following commands:
hexo init my-blog
cd my-blog
hexo generate # to generate the blog
hexo server # to start hexo server
Voila! The blog is ready, check it out at http://localhost:4000/.
Configure blog settings
Now you can start configuring your blog using _config.yml
file in the root of your blog’s folder. There are lots of settings can be configured (read more about it). To start with, you can configure some personal information as did I:
# Site
title: Natalya Kosenko's Blog
author: Natalya Kosenko
language: en
timezone: Asia/Singapore
Change theme
Now it is time to beautify your blog. You can choose one of a few dozens free themes available here. My choice was cactus-white
that is based on a cactus-dark theme. Below are a few commands you need to run one by one in the Terminal in order to switch theme from default one to the cactus-white
git clone git@github.com:sergodeeva/cactus-white.git themes/cactus-white
npm install hexo-pagination --save
After you installed a new theme, you need to change the theme
property in the _config.yml
# theme: landscape
theme: cactus-white
To see the changes at http://localhost:4000/, you need to re-generate blog by running hexo generate
, and then restart the hexo server (stop it and then run hexo server
Write a new post
To create a new post or a new page, you can use the following commands:
hexo new post <title> # to create a new post
hexo new page <title> # to create a new page
hexo new draft <title> # to create a new draft
hexo new post "Hello world" # example
A file with .md extension will be created in a source
folder. You can write your post using markdown - lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax.
Deploy to GitHub Pages
Make sure you have created a GitHub repository with a name username.github.io
. For example, my repository is sergodeeva.github.io
Install hexo deployer plugin:
npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
Once the plugin is installed, change deployment settings in the _config.yml
file (replace ‘username’ with your GitHub username):
type: git
repo: git@github.com:username/username.github.io.git
branch: master
Deploy the blog to GitHub pages using this command:
hexo d -g # shortcut for `hexo generate` and `hexo deploy`
Done, your blog is now available at http://username.github.io
The whole process took me a few hours (90% of that time I spent choosing a blog theme).